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Have you used a “Green” Cell Phone Screen Protector?

According to preliminary data from the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker report, smartphone vendors shipped a total of 313 million cell phones in the second quarter of 2021, a year-on-year increase of 13.2%.

This data has a dramatic impact on the screen protector market. A wide variety of cell phone screen protectors safeguard screens from cracks and scratches, which is their most basic function, but also include features such as oil resistance, anti-peeping, and beautification of cell phones. On average, each mobile phone needs 2-3 screen protectors across its life, which results in considerable consumption volume. In addition, many screen protector manufacturers design complex packaging for their products, and most of the packaging materials cannot be recycled directly and end up in the garbage after screen protectors are produced, leading to material waste and environmental pollution.

With carbon reduction and environmental protection becoming a major consumer expectation, more people than ever are aware of the importance of using resource-efficient products. BGZ brands, a leader in device protection, attaches great importance to environmental protection and sustainable development. The company remains committed to providing products that protect mobile devices and that can be used safely by consumers, while also protecting the earth through innovative green- design concepts.

BGZ brands has adopted an environmental approach in the production of BodyGuardz Eco PRTX cell phone screen protector. This screen protector pairs shatterproof synthetic glass material with a patent-pending, reformulated adhesive to reduce material consumption without degrading performance. Components also include recycled content and biodegradable materials.

BGZ brands partnered with TÜV Rheinland to get their Green Product Mark certification for an entirely new category. With the BGZ brands key pillars of integrity and accountability, the company sought TÜV Rheinland's stringent testing protocols and expertise to certify the "green" claims of Eco PRTX. The Green Product Mark of TÜV Rheinland has passed the assessment process of the Internationally Coordinated Ecolabelling System (GENICES) and complies with internationally recognized standards and guidelines. They provide guidance for consumers in purchasing products, help companies protect the environment, and enhance the user experience.

As a member of the United Nations Global Compact and the Global Ecolabelling Network (GEN), TÜV Rheinland actively advocates worldwide compliance with human rights and environmental protection, promoting mutual trust and recognition between its Green Product Mark certification and other eco-labelling systems.

In the four months since the project began, the BodyGuardz Eco PRTX cell phone screen protector has been tested and evaluated based on the TÜV Rheinland’s four aspects of the Green Product Mark certification. They include corporate social responsibility, chemical substance control, carbon footprint calculation and verification, and recycling design for product and packaging. According to the requirements set by TÜV Rheinland, BGZ brands has strictly controlled toxic and harmful chemical substances to ensure its product will not cause harm to humans nor the environment. Meanwhile, in order to actively respond to the goal of global- carbon neutrality, BGZ brands has optimized the product- design process and accurately calculated the overall carbon dioxide emissions in production, transportation, and use, and includes recycled content and biodegradable packaging materials.

BGZ brands has developed and produced Eco PRTX according to the Green Product Mark certification standards of TÜV Rheinland. It is the first screen protector with this certification to go to market. The screen protector has not only set a benchmark for the industry, but has also established a new standard for the company’s own development.

The Eco PRTX screen protector, certified by TÜV Rheinland’s Green Product Mark, is making inroads into the North American market. This “green” cell phone protector will also be available to local users who purchase cell phone accessories.




在减碳环保的趋势下,越来越多人意识到使用资源节约型 产品的重要性。设备保护领导者BGZ Brands非常重视绿色环保和可持续发展。公司始终致力于提供保护移动设备并让消费者放心使用的产品,同时通过创新的绿色环保设计理念保护地球家园。

BGZ Brands在生产BodyGuardz Eco PRTX手机屏幕保护膜时,就考虑到了绿色环保。该款手机膜使用的是防碎有机玻璃材料,以及新款配方的粘合剂,该粘合剂正在申请专利。在不降低产品性能的前提下,能减少材料消耗。其他成分也包含回收物质材料和可生物降解材料。

BGZ Brands与TÜV莱茵开展合作,其全新品类获得了TÜV莱茵绿色产品标识。因其立足市场的两大关键支柱——诚信与可靠,BGZ Brands寻求通过TÜV莱茵严格的测试标准和丰富的专业知识,来证明Eco PRTX的“绿色”主张。TÜV莱茵绿色产品标识已通过全球环境标志国际合作体系(GENICES)的评审流程,符合国际公认标准与准则,为消费者选购产品提供指引,助力企业保护环境、提升用户体验。

作为联合国全球契约成员和全球环境标志网络(the Global Ecolabelling Network,GEN)组织成员,TÜV莱茵积极提倡全球遵守人权和环境保护,并推动绿色产品标识与其他生态标签计划之间的互信互认。

在项目启动的四个月里,BodyGuardz Eco PRTX手机屏幕保护膜基于TÜV莱茵绿色产品标识的四个方面进行测试和评估,包括企业社会责任、化学物质管控、碳足迹计算和核查、产品及包装回收设计。BGZ Brands根据TÜV莱茵设定的严格要求,严格控制有毒有害化学物质,确保产品不含有对人体和环境有危害的有毒害化学物质。同时,为了积极响应全球碳中和的目标,BGZ Brands对产品的设计工艺做了优化,旨在降低二氧化碳排放,同时精确计算产品从生产、运输到使用等各环节的整体二氧化碳排放量,并使用了包含回收物质的材料和可生物降解包装材料。

BGZ Brands对标TÜV莱茵绿色产品认证标准要求进行产品研发和生产,并率先将获此认证的屏幕保护膜推向市场,不仅为行业树立了标杆,也为公司自身发展建立了新标准。
